To be the “best in class” designer and supplier of detailed engineering packages, project management, and commissioning of new facilities, we, Petromas Synergy Sdn Bhd (PSSB) are always committed to:


It is PSSB policy to conduct its business in a manner that protects safety and health of employees, clients and public. PSSB will strive to prevent all accidents, injuries and occupational illness through active participation of every employee. PSSB is committed to continue its efforts in identifying and eliminating or managing health, safety and environmental (HSE) risk associated with activities and will therefore strive to :-

  • Prevent injuries to people and property.
  • Comply with all Statutory Health, Safety and Environment protection regulations in the countries where we conduct our business.
  • Incorporate in to our designs Health, Safety and Environment protection features.
  • Identify, assess and mitigate as far as it is practicable risk to Health, Safety and Environment associated with our activities.
  • Provide information, protection and training to our employees, contractors and members of the public who are associated with or affected by our business activities on Health, Safety and Environmental.
  • Provide a forum to our employees to continuously improve Health, Safety and Environmental protection awareness to achieve the Company’s objectives.
  • Implement and maintain a system to monitor and administer the Health, Safety and Environmental protection policy of the company.